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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

No-Contact Order Violations

In Florida, a no-contact order is a legal order that prohibits a defendant from having any contact with the alleged victim or witnesses in a criminal case. Violating a no-contact order is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe consequences. In order to be protected from these consequences, it is important to contact a criminal defense attorney if you have been accused of violating a no-contact order. The lawyers at Hanlon Law have experience defending those who have been accused of breaking no-contact orders. We offer robust legal defenses in advocating for our clients' futures. 

What is a No-Contact Order in Florida?

A no-contact order is a legal order that prohibits a defendant from having any contact with the alleged victim or witnesses in a criminal case. No-contact orders are typically issued in cases involving domestic violence, stalking, or harassment. The purpose of a no-contact order is to protect the alleged victim and ensure their safety.

A no-contact order can be issued at any stage of a criminal case, including before or after a defendant has been arrested or charged. Violating a no-contact order can result in serious criminal charges and consequences.

Consequences of No-Contact Order Violations in Florida

If you violate a no-contact order in Florida, you may face severe consequences, including:

  1. Arrest: If you violate a no-contact order, you may be arrested and charged with a criminal offense. Violating a no-contact order is considered a separate criminal offense from the underlying offense, and you can be charged with both offenses.
  2. Criminal Charges: Violating a no-contact order is typically charged as a first-degree misdemeanor in Florida, punishable by up to one year in jail and fines up to $1,000. However, if the defendant has a prior conviction for violating a no-contact order, the offense can be charged as a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and fines up to $5,000.
  3. Revocation of Bail: If you violate a no-contact order while out on bail, your bail may be revoked, and you may be returned to custody. This can result in an extended period of incarceration while awaiting trial.
  4. Contempt of Court: If you violate a no-contact order, you may be held in contempt of court. This can result in additional fines and penalties, including imprisonment.

Defending Against No-Contact Order Violations in Florida

If you are facing charges for violating a no-contact order in Florida, it is crucial to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you build a strong defense. An experienced attorney can help you understand the charges you are facing, the potential consequences, and the legal options available to you.

Some of the most common defenses against no-contact order violations in Florida include:

  1. Lack of Knowledge: If you were not aware of the no-contact order, you may be able to use lack of knowledge as a defense against the charges. However, this defense is difficult to use if you were present in court when the order was issued or if the order was served on you.
  2. Constitutional Challenges: No-contact orders must comply with the United States and Florida constitutions. If the order was issued in violation of your constitutional rights, you may be able to challenge the order and have the charges dismissed.
  3. Inaccurate Allegations: In some cases, the alleged victim may make false or inaccurate allegations of no-contact order violations. An experienced attorney can help you challenge the allegations and demonstrate that you did not violate the order.

There may be other defenses available to you, depending on the circumstances of your case. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case and help you identify the best defense strategy.

Speak to a Kissimmee Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Violating a no-contact order in Florida is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe consequences, including arrest, criminal charges, revocation of bail, and contempt of court. If you are facing charges for violating a no-contact order, it is essential to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you build a strong defense. The lawyers at Hanlon Law are committed to protecting legal rights and interests of our clients. We investigate the state’s evidence against them, the circumstances of their arrest, and any other factors that may help in their defense. 

If you are facing no-contact order violations in Kissimmee, Florida,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today to protect your future.

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