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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Sexual Battery Charges in Florida

Sexual battery, also referred to as rape, is a despicable offense that has a widespread impact on countless individuals globally. In the state of Florida, sexual battery carries substantial gravity, and the repercussions following a conviction can be severe. It is imperative to promptly seek the assistance of a sexual battery defense attorney if you are under investigation or have been charged with this offense. The legal team at Hanlon Law is committed to safeguarding the rights of individuals accused of sexual battery. We will thoroughly examine the evidence presented by the prosecution and assess the circumstances surrounding your arrest, striving to achieve a dismissal or reduction of the charges.

Florida Definition of Sexual Battery 

Sexual battery in Florida is defined by Chapter 794 of the Florida Statutes as an act of non-consensual sexual activity, which may involve penetration, perpetrated against another individual. It also encompasses any form of sexual contact without the explicit consent of the other person. In the state of Florida, sexual battery is considered a first-degree felony, and the consequences upon conviction are notably harsh.

Penalties for Sexual Battery in Florida 

The repercussions of a sexual battery conviction in Florida encompass the following penalties:

  1. Incarceration: Sexual battery is categorized as a first-degree felony, carrying the potential of a prison term of up to 30 years. However, if the victim is under 18 years of age, the sentence can be life imprisonment.
  2. Probation: In certain instances, instead of imprisonment, a defendant may be placed on probation. This probationary period can extend up to 15 years and may involve limitations on the defendant's activities and movements.
  3. Fines: A sexual battery conviction can result in substantial fines, the specific amount of which depends on the circumstances surrounding the case.
  4. Sex Offender Registration: Mandatory registration as a sex offender is required for individuals convicted of sexual battery in Florida. This registration carries significant implications for the defendant's future, including constraints on their place of residence, employment, and travel.

Defenses to Sexual Battery Charges 

If you are confronted with sexual battery allegations in Florida, it is crucial to recognize your entitlement to rights and the existence of potential defenses. Among the most common defenses employed against sexual battery charges are the following:

  1. Consent: Arguing that the sexual act was consensual is a prevalent defense. The defense must establish that the victim willingly provided consent for the sexual activity.
  2. Mistaken Identity: In certain situations, a defendant may be wrongly accused of sexual battery due to mistaken identity. This can occur when the victim is unable to accurately identify the alleged perpetrator.
  3. Lack of Evidence: A sexual battery charge necessitates proof beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecution fails to present sufficient evidence, the charges may be dismissed.
  4. Alibi: An alibi defense entails providing evidence to demonstrate that the defendant was not present at the location where the alleged sexual battery occurred. This evidence can involve witness testimonies or surveillance footage.

When facing sexual battery charges in Florida, it is vital to engage the services of a skilled criminal defense attorney. An experienced attorney will guide you through the legal system, ensure that your rights are protected, and develop a defense strategy that maximizes your chances of success. Moreover, a proficient attorney can assist in negotiating with the prosecution to potentially reduce charges or penalties. In some cases, they may even secure a plea bargain or achieve a complete dismissal of the charges.

Defending Your Future with a Kissimmee Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Sexual battery allegations carry immense weight in Florida, and a conviction can lead to significant consequences such as imprisonment, fines, and mandatory sex offender registration. When confronted with sexual battery charges, it is vital to comprehend your rights and collaborate with a seasoned attorney to devise an effective defense strategy that maximizes your likelihood of success. By securing adept legal representation, you may have the opportunity to diminish or dismiss the charges, enabling you to move forward with your life. At Hanlon Law, our attorneys will engage experts to scrutinize the evidence presented by the prosecution and thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest, aiming to uncover any potential errors made by the police.

 If you are facing sexual battery charges in Kissimmee, Florida,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today to protect your future.

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