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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Traveling to Meet a Minor

Engaging in the solicitation or pursuit of sexual activities with a minor through electronic means is unlawful under Florida statutes, and individuals can face arrest or charges for soliciting or attempting to meet a minor. The consequences for conviction in such cases are severe, encompassing imprisonment, substantial fines, and the establishment of a criminal record. It is critical for anyone arrested or under investigation for this offense to promptly seek the assistance of a criminal defense attorney. The legal team at Hanlon Law possesses valuable expertise in defending individuals accused of traveling to meet a minor. Our attorneys will provide guidance throughout the legal process and explore potential defenses specific to your case.

Traveling to Meet a Minor Statute and Consequences

Pursuant to Florida Statute 847.0135(4), it is classified as a second-degree felony to travel with the intent to meet a minor for engaging in illegal activities, whether sexual or otherwise. The statute also deems it unlawful to travel to or from Florida for this purpose. Even the attempt to travel to meet a minor, or causing another person to do so, is considered an offense. Notably, the statute does not require the person the defendant intends to meet to be a minor, as long as the defendant reasonably believes the individual is a child based on information obtained from the internet or other electronic communications, such as text messages.

If convicted, the penalties for such crimes can be severe. An individual may face a prison sentence of up to 15 years and fines of up to $10,000. Moreover, if the minor involved is below the age of 12, the offense is elevated to a first-degree felony, which carries the potential punishment of life imprisonment. It is vital to understand that even if the minor appears to have given consent, they are not legally capable of doing so, as they lack the legal capacity to make such decisions.

Defenses to the Crime of Traveling to Meet a Minor

While it is unequivocally unacceptable to travel with the intention of meeting a minor for sexual purposes, there may be instances where individuals attempt to defend themselves against such charges. However, it is important to acknowledge that the burden of proof lies with the defendant, and the prosecution faces a formidable task of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Here are some potential defenses that can be employed in cases involving traveling to meet a minor:

  1. Lack of Intent: For a conviction of traveling to meet a minor, the prosecution must establish that the individual had the intention to engage in sexual or other illicit activities with the minor. If the defendant can demonstrate a lack of such intent, they may mount a successful defense.
  2. Entrapment: Entrapment occurs when law enforcement officials induce an individual to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. If the defendant can substantiate that they were coerced or pressured into traveling to meet a minor by law enforcement, they may employ this as a defense.
  3. Age Verification: If the defendant can provide evidence that they had a reasonable belief that the minor was over the age of 18, they may present a successful defense. However, it is crucial to note that this defense may be undermined if the prosecution can demonstrate that the defendant did not take reasonable steps to verify the minor's age.
  4. Lack of Physical Meeting: If the defendant can establish that there was no actual in-person meeting with the minor and that their communication was solely conducted online, they may utilize this as a defense. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that in certain cases, the act of traveling to meet the minor alone can lead to charges, regardless of whether a physical meeting took place.

It is essential to bear in mind that while these defenses can be invoked, their success is not guaranteed, and individuals may still face significant legal consequences for their actions. Seeking legal counsel is crucial if an individual or someone they know is confronted with charges of traveling to meet a minor. Additionally, refraining from engaging in such behavior is paramount, considering the severe and enduring harm it inflicts upon minors, as well as the serious legal and societal ramifications associated with such actions.

Contact an Experienced Kissimmee Criminal Defense Attorney 

Engaging in the act of traveling to meet a minor for sexual purposes carries grave legal implications and long-lasting ramifications for the individuals involved. The resulting conviction imposes a lifetime burden of registering as a sex offender, accompanied by significant societal stigma and scrutiny. At Hanlon Law, our dedicated team of attorneys utilizes every available resource to vigorously defend our clients. With our deep understanding of the legal landscape, our skilled lawyers advocate tirelessly on behalf of those accused of this offense, employing their expertise to construct formidable defenses.

If you are facing charges for traveling to meet a minor in Kissimmee, Florida,
contact the attorneys at Hanlon Law today to protect your future.

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